Sensational Inclusion LLC

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Progress is Not Linear, Who Told You that it Was?

We sometimes treat children SO unfairly. I’ve heard so many parents (and teachers) say,, “This kid takes two steps forward and five steps back,” in reference to sensory goals like not hitting, emotional meltdowns, or academic goals. We should challenge…

My Kid Has an IEP, Now What?

So, your kid finally has an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), and you’re wondering what’s next? Well, buckle up, because it’s not just a ride, it’s a rollercoaster – with more ups and downs than the last season of Game of…

My Child Was Diagnosed Late…Now I Feel Guilty

Oh, the irony of feeling guilty for a late diagnosis, as if navigating the quagmire of our gloriously inept system wasn’t an absolute nightmare right? Let’s get something straight: if you ever left the toilet seat up, abandoned a puppy…