In the intricate tapestry of education, there are threads that, if pulled out, wouldn’t unravel the fabric but might actually enhance its pattern. One such thread is the Morning Square, a ritual that’s more about enforcing uniformity than fostering genuine learning. As a former special education teacher, I’ve seen the rigidity and conformity this practice demands. It’s a ritual that, while seemingly innocuous, is a microcosm of the broader power dynamics at play in our classrooms

The Morning Square: A Microcosm of Classroom Power Dynamics

The Morning Square, where students gather in a specific formation, is often heralded as a community-building exercise. But let’s call it what it is: a subtle yet powerful display of authority and control. It’s a daily routine where students are expected to conform to a set standard, often at the expense of their individual needs and comfort. This isn’t community; it’s compliance dressed up in a community’s clothing.

Sensory Overload and the Illusion of Inclusion

For many students, especially those with sensory sensitivities, the Morning Square is less a welcoming community circle and more a sensory battleground. The enforced proximity, the expectation of stillness, and the uniformity of the setting can be overwhelming. It’s akin to asking someone with claustrophobia to relax in a crowded elevator. This practice, under the guise of community, often excludes those who don’t fit the traditional learning mold.

The False Narrative of Uniformity as Community

The Morning Square perpetuates a false narrative that uniformity is synonymous with community. True community in education is about embracing diversity, not enforcing conformity. It’s about creating spaces where all students feel seen, heard, and valued for their unique selves, not just those who can sit quietly on a rug.

Rethinking Community: Inclusive Alternatives

If we’re serious about building real community in our classrooms, we need to rethink these rituals. Here are some inclusive alternatives:

  • Learning Stations: Create diverse learning stations that cater to different interests and needs. This approach allows students to engage in activities that resonate with them, fostering a sense of belonging and community through shared interests.
  • Classroom Safaris and Interactive Walls: Turn the classroom into a dynamic learning environment where students can move, explore, and interact. This not only caters to different learning styles but also breaks down the traditional power dynamics of a teacher-centered classroom.
  • Group Projects with Flexible Roles: Encourage group projects where students can choose roles that suit their strengths and interests. This promotes a sense of community based on collaboration and mutual respect, rather than enforced participation.

Flex Seating: A Step Towards Inclusive Community

Flex seating is more than just a trendy classroom arrangement; it’s a step towards an inclusive community. By allowing students to choose where and how they learn best, we’re acknowledging their individuality and autonomy. This approach respects each student’s unique learning style and needs, fostering a genuine sense of belonging and community.

Critiquing Classroom Power Dynamics

The traditional classroom setup, with its rigid rules and teacher-centered approach, often reinforces a hierarchical power dynamic. Practices like the Morning Square, while seemingly benign, are part of this dynamic, where the teacher’s authority is paramount, and student individuality is secondary. This power imbalance can stifle creativity, discourage critical thinking, and create an environment of compliance rather than genuine engagement.

Building a Truly Inclusive Community

A truly inclusive community in the classroom is one where every student feels valued and respected. It’s an environment where differences are celebrated, and every voice is heard. This kind of community can’t be achieved through enforced rituals like the Morning Square. It requires a fundamental shift in how we view education and the role of the teacher.

Conclusion: A Call for a More Inclusive and Dynamic Education

This blog is a call to action for educators, parents, and policymakers. We need to move beyond outdated rituals like the Morning Square and embrace more dynamic, inclusive, and empathetic approaches to teaching and learning. Education should be a journey of discovery, not a march towards conformity.

Let’s work towards an education system where every child feels seen, heard, and understood. By adopting flexible and respectful practices, we can create learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of every student. It’s time to celebrate the individual ways of learning and listening, recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all in education. Let’s bid farewell to outdated practices and welcome a future where every child can thrive in their unique way.